Photo / Website / Social Media Release Form

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Throughout the year, students may be highlighted in efforts to promote Rise Up! 94965 Foundation (hereafter “Rise Up!” and the student activities and achievements. For example, students may be featured in materials for fundraising purposes or to increase public awareness of our organization through newspapers, the web, displays, brochures, and other types of media.

I, as parent or guardian of the students listed below, hereby give Rise Up! and its representatives permission to interview, quote, photograph, and record my child for use in audio, video, film, and any other electronic, digital, and printed media. I also grant the right to edit, use and reuse said products for non-profit, non-commercial purposes, including in print, online, social media and all other forms of media.

a. This is with the understanding that neither Rise Up! nor its representatives will reproduce any of the media for any item of commercial value or receive personal monetary gain for use of any reproduction/broadcast of said photograph or likeness. I also understand that I will not receive any monetary compensation for my child’s participation.

b. I further release and relieve Rise Up! and its Board of Directors, employees, and other representatives from any liabilities, known or unknown arising out of the use of this material.

c. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I have provided Rise Up! with written notice of my withdrawal of consent to this agreement.

I certify that I have read the Student Media Consent & Release Form statement and fully understand its terms and conditions.